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Spring Fishing in San Francisco Bay

Writer's picture: alexander minalexander min

As the spring starts to reach us, we have been in a period of excitement and anticipation of the fishing to come. We chased steelhead, striped bass, and halibut through the early months and know it will be a fantastic year.

There was even word of a bluefin being caught out of San Francisco in late march. This is highly unusual, or maybe the new trend?

Rockfish regulations were released by the Cal Fish and Game, check them out here.

Generally, what we understand from reading them is that April 1st rockfish opens, though you have to fish past the 50 fathom line (300 feet) to protect the Quillback Rockfish, which is considered overfished. On May 1st - September, you will be able to fish in waters less than 20 fathoms (120 feet) through September. The rules vary by region, so make sure to check them out.

We also went to the Fly fishing show in Pleasanton, on 28 February and walked around. Nothing super novel, though there is new clear fly fishing line (the last 6 feet or so) from Rio for saltwater anglers, which seems like makes a lot of sense.

For Fish Alert we have completed our second sensor update with the ratchet sound and are currently discussing with contract manufacturers for advice, quotes, and what is needed to industrially produce the sensor. We are considering both domestic and foreign options, and our goal is to design an industrial prototype that looks more like a fit bit than where we are currently.

Here's some pictures of the striper run.

Wishing you all the best - Tight Lines.



Chief Fishermen TE Anglers


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