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May Striped Bass Bite on the Bay

Happy May, it seems like a slow start to the halibut season, though the striped bass have been on the bite. Water temperatures remain relatively cool and the best bet to finding halibut is in north bay (paradise & richmond) area in my mind.

We got on the water to do some prototype testing of fish alert, caught some striped bass with the girls, and landed one nice halibut (Kayla always catches the big fish).

Fish Alert again continues to prove and do the job we want it to. While slow trolling (bounce balling) for halibut, it offers a relief that we don't have to constantly stare at our poles as we wait for a bite and can trust that we will get a loud alert when the fish hits.

In terms of business development we will be pitching Fish Alert and TE Anglers at a silicon valley venture event May 22nd and sharing our idea with investors and other business-minded folks.

Big tides sometimes make it hard to fish Halibut in the bay and from what we have been told and we have experienced it pushes a lot of water around, making it hard to target and find the fish.

Tight Lines,


Chief Fishermen

TE Anglers

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